Newsfeed Overwhelm to News Empowerment!
Hello Dear Friends,
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the news?
Does it evoke fear and anger, or confusion, or?
How is your nervous system?
Your mood?
Me. I find it difficult. It seeps in, squeezes my heart, activates fear and anger. I don’t sleep well!
And if you’ve seen the movie Social Dilemma you also know what you are being fed is not what everyone else is. The mind manipulation is unsettling to say the least.
The amping up our differences and “othering” isn’t helpful for people or the planet.
The cacophony of reactivity and violence. The constant stream available 24/7.
A lot of media doesn’t focus on the good stuff. It makes money off drama and trauma. Neither of which are great for our collective or individual well-being.
It’s hard to access what feels true to you, or what’s best for your community, when there is so much noise!
So...drumroll please...
Let's do a News Fast for 3 days!
A short sabbatical.
You are probably thinking, now?
No news. Nadda. No paper, No TV, No social media, No podcasts, or youtube No technology scrolling for the latest updates.
3 days.
You can do it!
I did one this past weekend (2 days) and it was a delicious and worthwhile gift.
I woke up Monday morning feeling present and loving.
Ready to engage in meaningful actions to create a world that works for all.
No sticky words or ugly images filling my head and heart.
Clear focus.
Here are three suggestions for how to focus your energy during your News Fast.
Listen inward. Take a walk. Notice the sound of the wind. Your breath. The trees. The sense of spaciousness when you aren’t inundated.
This past weekend I allowed some words from this book in. Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The wisdom seeps off every page. If you need inspiration, not information, be mindful what you choose. This is one I treasure.
Make a conscious effort to notice the thoughts and feelings floating through you. Perhaps the desire to take a peek at the news? Perhaps you notice how exhausted you are? Go to bed early. Wake up with the dawn. Notice how your body begins to unwind.
And three ways of rewiring your news habit when you come back.
Balance the regular news with some good news. Like our eating habits. What you put in creates health or dis-ease. Think of it as a diet.
Listen or read news from different sources regularly. Choose thoughtful and inspired books sometimes.
Take regular news fasts. Once a month for a day or two. Or once a quarter for 5 days.
This may be challenging for some of you.
The addiction to information is real.
The addiction to technology too!
Be kind to yourself.
Here’s what you will come away with:
An awareness of how amped up you were.
A sense of spaciousness in your mind.
Reengagement with a sense of discernment as far as how much, what sources etc.
A curiosity about your mind and what it’s filled with.
A new practice you can employ as needed, to take back your mind and heart.
I’m going on another News Fast this coming weekend. Saturday the 17th through Monday the 19th.
If you want to join me and get a few quick cheerleading notices Email me!
Mark your calendar. Ready. Set. Fast...
P.S. Poem of the week for you to ponder in your time off of news!!
P.S.S. If you want to hear an interview with Robin Wall Kimmerer. Listen to this. She tells the first chapter!
P.S.S.S. For those of you who like to geek out on studies about stress and news.