10 questions to shift us toward adulthood.

Adulthood is a stage, not an age. In a time when there is much up for consideration and transformation perhaps its time to take a look at adulthood. Due to lack of meaningful initiations, celebrations, and rites of passage—coupled with white supremacy, patriarchy, sexism, racism, excessive consumerism etc., we can stay stuck in adolescence for years. These 10 questions help us get “unstuck” and begin to see through new lenses.

 We are reminded of this as we watch young leaders and activists rising up with wisdom and courage. A 20 year old may be an initiated adult (even an elder) while a 60 year old may not. And while adolescence is a stage that has meaning and importance, let’s remember that it is a stage, not a lifetime. (Life as stages not ages, is laid out in Bill Plotkin’s book; Nature and The Human Soul.)

In order to transition into adulthood, new frameworks are needed; frameworks that lie outside of the social, religious, educational and economic constructs we’ve been raised in. This guidebook is a frame that encourages you to explore your thoughts, feelings, senses, and imagination around this provocative subject——in service to our collective maturation and liberation. It’s an invitation to consider questions about adulthood, race, and the systems and beliefs that shape us. What it’s been. Has it been working?  What it could be, so that all living beings could thrive.

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