a guide for small group facilitation.

Over the past several years, social and racial justice groups have been on the rise. As participants and facilitators, we’ve noticed something. In our experience, while the groups have been a great way to learn and process race as individuals, real action to dismantle white supremacist systems wasn’t happening.

We saw this complacency in ourselves and in group members. While we can all quote Ta-Nehisi Coates’ work, no one has questioned their children’s elementary school as to why race is only discussed in February or why there are so few books with black or brown protagonists. While we fear for our friends of color and their interactions with the police, few of us were writing to local law enforcement about body cams and de-escalation trainings.

The intention of this guide and the circles that arise is this:
To take action and stay committed and accountable for THE LONG HAUL.

To show up, make goals, take action and report back to the group. The circle’s members are accountable, supported and able to collaborate and make requests of one another. The facilitation guide outlines how to structure the group, invite participants, make commitments, facilitation tips, touchstones, and templates for how to lead gatherings. We are available to answer questions. Connect with us.

In service to Collective and Collaborative Liberation.