Swept Up

Hello Friends,

We hope this finds you well! 

Or hanging in. 


We wanted to share some exciting news!!

Before COVID. 

Last January 18th-20th to be exact.

We took a two hour excursion to the wide open sky country of Summer Lake. 

To connect, relax and create. 

Because we had more in us to share.

We wrote and laughed and collaged and soaked and watched the moon. 

Days spilled into nights, into dawn, and the questions rolled on out. 

A New BOOK (2 Actually). On RELATIONSHIPS. Was born.


How we do them.

How they percolate, perplex, bring joy and grief. 

How they soar or don’t.

They last forever and/or end in a minute.

All we don’t talk about.

And/or all we do talk about but not necessarily to the person we are in relationship with. What’s up with that? 

They are---------------

A current in the river of life that we jump in

some of us holding hands through every turn 

and many of us being swept down waterfalls, 

spun into eddies or 

spit out onto the shores a bit worse for wear. 

Until we dive in again. Or not.
No rules. 


Would a new river be helpful? 

Or, if nothing else.

A wider, deeper, more reflective, captivating, body of water. 

The books; a personal and a shared guidebook, are designed just like our others----questions, prompts, beauty.

They give us all a space for our personal and shared wisdom to rise.

To re-story relationships with more raw and real.
More vulnerable and intimate.
More fingers on the pulse of life energy.
More love even in dark and troubling times.
More awareness of our interconnectivity.
More sharing as caring. 

Re-storying as a narrative for the future that is coming---the one that works for all living beings. 
A palette of joy and sorrow, beauty and loss.

------ And yes we include some questions about our relationships with the More Than Human World.  

We are putting the finishing touches on them now! We'll have a few sample pages for you SOON!

We are super excited about getting them in your hands and into your hearts and letting you run with them.

And us. 

The journey we are on together/apart/together on this beautiful and struggling green and blue planet. 

Stay tuned. Spread the word if you are called to do so! The more the merrier on this particular ride~

In the meantime we are also planning a zoom launch celebration!

With, we hope, some dance lessons or something else super fun, and of course an exploration of a page or two -- in some creative way. 

Until then. 

Be kind. 

Decide to care about people you don’t understand or even like. 

Just that can get us pretty far down the road towards a world that works for all.


Carol and Casey

P.S. If you still haven’t tried a page out. Here is the link to download our free 5 day challenge. You can take more than 5 days!

P.S.S. And a playlist of whalesongs which I am listening to as I write.

Carol Delmonico