Are there cracks in the mirror of the separation story?


How is it in you today?

Me, wondering as often is the case!


I've been doing a lot of art and a lot of reading and rereading and reflecting and observing and deconstructing and facing the narratives that live in me, mostly, from the colonial narrative I was spoon fed for most of my life.

I am being taken apart by exploring Hospicing Modernity along with many other classes and mentors.

This particular collage I completed as winter continued on until a few days ago! I gaze at it and my heart bounds and my eyes wander and ---it's something about the interconnectivity I ache for.

Cracks in the Mirror of the Separation Story

Fully next to the me---

The one with nests of butterflies for hair---

Is the becoming sibling.

Morphing before

I can catch






Disguised in plain sight.

She knows, as the crow does, Inter-being.

She is a tangle of living breathing woven.

Tasting the cacophony of species relationship-ing.

Nosing the whiffs of cool water tumbling.

Dark eyes peeking a glance towards.

Licking the vast never-ending story of brilliant blue.

Stirring the blazing barrel, the riches of the boundless aching beauty

of what we have lost in our individualized story.


Gazing at you.

Looking at me.

What's next for we who are separate?



It seems to come to this, for me, the deep desire and perhaps obsession, passion---to unfurl and unravel, to see beyond the curtains of individualism, colonialism, ableism, and all the other unhelpful isms---

that have crowded my/our consciousness (in Modernity---can't recommend Hospicing Modernity enough!) along with all the wonder and aching beauty too!

And weave anew.

Who/What/How would we humans become---together-ing?

Where are you in the process of reflecting on the parts we play? (not from either/or right/wrong doing/being good/bad or perfection or urgency)

Peeling the layers. Slow. Down.

Moving into more love, love, love and gratitude and joyful curiosity---

Joanna Macy said in Active Hope there are three things we need to do---one of which is consciousness change. I keep coming back to that.

And Bayo Akomolafe and others touting that the language of poetry, the mythopoetic language may be what we need most!

That rings the bells of truth that lingers in the recesses of my opening heart.

To ripen humanity to bursting. Perhaps.

Happy Spring.

Consider becoming more treelike, or flower, or bursting bush, or rushing creek. Learning their language as a way of loving.

Big Spring Hugs,


P.S. Valemon The Bear a very cool myth particularly lovely for children!

P.S.S. Check out the Unheard of Importance of Listening Course HERE

P.S.S.S. Want to get a taste of working with me? Click HERE for a free 30 minute conversation.

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Carol Delmonico