Back by popular demand! The popularity and illuminating dialogue that came out of our November retreat encouraged us to do another one on the topic of MONEY. We will shake up and shift the questions, so if you attended the last one, this will not be a repeat. To view testimonials from the November retreat, click on Reviews and scroll to the bottom.
We live in a mixed message “money” world. As Americans many of us feel a lack of-- an “I don’t have enough money” even if we have significantly more than many people. And we’re also told if we simply believe in abundance, if, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we click our heels together, close our eyes and believe money is available to us we’ll have it, we will. Or if we just work harder. The meritocracy story. Let’s leave it with those for now.
With that, it is plain to see that we have a disconnect, and a ton of conditioning that has us dancing in scarcity or praying for abundance. During this 4 hr. workshop, we are simply, and perhaps profoundly, going to dip our toes into the shores of this topic and learn to navigate fresh water.
How does the “money” story live in you?
Join us as we ask evocative questions and prompts, mindfully and playfully engaging our four ways of knowing (sensing, feeling, thinking, and imagining), and discover something new together.
Your cup is FULL $99.00
Your cup is OVERFLOWING $139.00
Your cup is LOW $59.00
If you are unclear about where you fall and what to pay, we have outlined our thoughts below to begin our discussion even before we meet! Our fee structure is designed to change the model of “we all pay the same” and create clarity around why it is important to disrupt this norm. (Fee includes a copy of the Stoke Your Woke Interactive Journal.)
Your cup is FULL: You may own your home. You are salaried or you make over $35.00 an hour. If you are retired you have a pension or a solid retirement fund. You travel regularly long distances. You may have debt but that debt comes from choices in investing in yourself or family members.
Your cup is OVERFLOWING: You own more than one property. You likely have or will inherit family wealth. You can travel, eat out and hire others to take care of some of your needs. You have wealth and income. (retirement income counts)
Your cup is LOW: You live off of what you make. You may or may not have a three month savings for emergencies. You haven't accrued a lot of wealth. You may be a single parent. You may not own a home. You have debt due to education, healthcare, family responsibilities etc.
In case you don’t want to click one more time, A couple reviews to wet your appetite!
“Two important things happened for me during the workshop. 1) I actually sat down to think about some important questions, which I rarely motivate myself to do alone. 2) My thinking was expanded by hearing others’ thoughts, along with realizing how many of us share the same urgency to de-couple money from the justice part - seeing that all of us have access to basic needs. Money is not a good way to measure or reward people for their intrinsic worth.”-Participant
“Their style felt spacious and organic, natural and free, just what is needed to encourage authentic sharing. They created a container for going deep and connecting. A springboard for growth and creative thinking.” - Burl Smith
Preregistration required. Email Carol @ Space is limited to 10 participants! Grab a spot early.
No one turned away for lack of funds. Please contact us if you are interested.