Religious and spiritual places are an ideal fit for the questions found within Wonder upRising. The journal, acting as a third thing, serves up the question instead of it coming from within a system of hierarchy or between those who carry opposing views. Engaging in this work together, groups begin to form stronger bonds, hear from each other in new ways and consider different perspectives. When used with the facilitation & process guide, a safe container is created for all voices to be heard in a non-confrontational process with trust and confidentiality as cornerstones.

Yoga Teacher Trainings

Wonder upRising has found its way into the yoga teacher training world through its accessible and effective facilitation and group process guide. The workbook’s facilitation and process guide fulfills the Teaching Methodology requirement for yoga teacher trainings. It provides and supports a method for new teachers leading discussion-based workshops with or without an asana component. Wonder upRising also offers teachers another means of guided self-reflection that can be used privately and in future yoga classes.



“The facilitation guide and questions gave us the opportunity to have a great discussion of how to hold space without a power over structure. Group facilitation is not necessarily a part of most teacher trainings I have had experience with, and it is an important piece. The workbook and the facilitation guide offer a fresh way for people to gain awareness of styles of facilitation and the work it takes to be in front of a group of people as a teacher/facilitator. It's a gentle reminder that we are all in this together and creating spaces that have equity of time and space open us up to deepen our practice. I think yoga teacher trainings would benefit from Casey and Carol coming in and exploring a page and the process. It gives trainees a break from hearing from the same person and grows their tool box.”

“Wonder upRising presents a clear framework for facilitating balanced group dialogue. It allows groups to process big subjects while empowering each participant to speak their truth in a safe space. Carol and Casey, are passionate about building community and airing different perspectives to create broad understanding. These intentions show clearly throughout this piece of work.”

heather nelson

Owner/Instructor, Mudra Yoga


Let’s talk.

Curious about using the journal in your spiritual community? We’d love to hear from you.