Wonderings and Requests

How are you doing? 

How is your heart feeling?


I wonder if we all get how important it is to cultivate wonder as we navigate these new times. So much unknown, so much uncertainty. So much judgement and separation. And so much generosity and kindness. 

So much up for renewal. So many people are suffering. And many are not. The planet getting a break. Others have more time than they know what to do with. So many hypotheses and now some data. 

And turning to wonder helps us stay open to our differences. It quells the "othering". 


I’ve been wondering a ton.

Here’s what rose up today. A two minute write:


I wonder if others feel the weight of sadness I do about people dying alone?

I wonder if the generosity that has welled up will be sustained in the days ahead?

I wonder if the earth is smiling because of the break it is getting, by our sheltering?

I wonder if we will pollute less in the future now that we know we can, because we’ve done it?

I wonder about our capacity to see the miracles of our own immune systems? And I wonder why there isn’t a collective focus on building them up?

I wonder why we believe some “experts” and censor others?

I wonder why some people are wearing masks everywhere and some aren’t wearing them anywhere and I wonder about all the judgement that arises about what other people are doing or not doing? And I wonder how that affects our health and wellbeing?

I wonder why some people are pro choice when it comes to women’s bodies and promandating vaccines when it comes to other bodies?

I wonder what I can do to be helpful? 

I wonder if we will remember our interconnectivity and use it to heal ourselves?


Take a pen out. Put a timer on for two minutes. Start with I wonder and let the pen go. See what comes. Get your wondering out on a page. Notice how it feels. To turn willingly to not knowing, not judging. To being open.

And!  We could use a little help getting the word out about Wonder upRising. It feels vulnerable to ask and a friend continually reminds me--- if you don’t ask you are much less likely to get it!

We want to engage more people in exploring their consciousness and reshaping culture!!

We know Wonder upRising changes those who explore it.
Because we’ve changed. We’ve moved into a “we and me” way of viewing the world.
We question all sides of an equation.
We listen freshly. Silently. We invite sensing, feeling and imagining into our conversations.


Would you be willing to give us a hand?


Here are four ways you can help us get this work out into the world!


Would you---


  • Open the book you have. Dust it off if need be. Or. Buy a book HERE  Do a question a week. Or. Ask a friend or family member to join you. Or. A circle of friends. Meet once a week. Share with each other what you wrote and what rose up. (on zoom, in person, or on the phone!) Wonder is magic. What you learn about those you love. It changes you. 

  • Do you write a blog, or have a newsletter, or podcast? Or. Do you have a good friend or family member that does? Would you be willing to feature Wonder upRising either a little or a lot. Something as simple as “I love this project, check it out”- with a LINK to our website. Or as big as interviewing us!!  If you have a close friend or family member who has one of the above, would you write a brief introduction email about our work and why you love it--- and include us so we can follow up! 

  • Would you send the LINK to our free mini book to 5 people with a teeny sweet note about why you find Wonder upRising compelling to do!

  • Would you share any or all of our posts on Facebook and tag some of your friends so they are more likely to check it out! 


Would you have time to do any of the above right this minute? No time like the present.

Thank you for considering this. Thank you for being a part of our community!

Reach out. Let us know what we can do for you.
Ask us! We want to give back.


Keep in touch. You can send us a note right HERE. We love hearing from you.
Let us know what rises up as you fill the pages of your books!


 We are with you,

Carol and Casey

Carol Delmonico