What does Dancing do?


If you are reading this you are still breathing.

Still a living body.

Still. But never actually that.


How is your heart today?


And your dancing feet?

Or hands...

Have you ever wondered what dancing Does?

I wrote this little ditty below, Monday morning at 8 am, with a friend, over zoom, prompt writing time. It was such an EnJoyable 12 minutes of togethering.

She suggested I share this one. So here it is.

This is dedicated to Sheila and Sarah and my family of dance with abandon-ers!

What does dancing Do?


Does dancing Do?


You need to ask that?

Well. Hum.

Not criticizing you for asking, more a curiosity--- a part of me wants to ask you back---

What doesn’t dancing do?


Unbridled. Uninhibited. Unstoried. Unsexualized.

Un-everything dancing.

it takes all kinds

Well, what does dancing Do?

Anything and everything and all the liminality in between.

Because we are all ways dancing. Cells. Blood vessels. Neurons. Tongue tapping. Breasts. Bones. Arms and toes and knees and nose.

Dancing as liberation-ness-ing.

As a sip from the deep well.

As unraveling whiteness and patriarchy.

Let's dance our way out of capitalism into creationisms, and collectivism, and inter-be-ing.

Puppy piles of dancing murmuring bodies

praising the grass and soil and earth earth earth.

Writhing with a kind of newborn kitten stumbling, tumbling, off beat,

or the still wet, black and white colt wobbly as legs find land,

and the nut brown fawn in their first leap.

What does dancing Do?

Dancing does living.

Dancing invites us into the animal, mammalian, primate selves.

Out of the left brain dominate, “just the facts” please, into the sun kissed waterfall streaming.

What does dancing Do?

It un-situates and sensuates.

It heals breeches and lavishes bridging.

It wakes this sleepy body in the 5:30 am darkness.

It helps me climb further in and tuck myself into a somersault,

and offer a cartwheel to the dewy summer grass,

even though some part of me says “you can’t move like that anymore!”

It is a libation and an honoring of future and past beings.

It's moving through portals, through walls, and over fences.

It’s kissing the earth with the bottom of my feet and hugging the air with the wisps of my graying locks.

Dancing does, without doing. ---


What does dancing Do, for you?

For the worlding of wonder?

Devote some time to this, if it percolates something in you? Write a poem, prose, dance an answer, sing one, amble it out...!


I'll be back atcha soon. Gonna offer some listening wonder through the ethers together!




Here is an amazing website and book on Matriarchies that is very inspiring to me.

Ever heard of Hand Dancing? Take a look!

Check out the Unheard of Importance of Listening Course ​HERE​ (this course can cost, at the lowest pricing, three speciality coffee drinks, and you'll get more than a buzz out of it!)

Want to get a taste of working with me? Click ​HERE​ for a free 30 minute conversation.

Carol Delmonico