What is Prayer?

Hello Friends,

It's been awhile.

Phew. Lots rolling in this neck of the woods.

May this find you well.

With a spring in your step, perhaps,

or small smiles as crocuses pop out of long fallow ground,

or you get your bike out for a spin,

or you devote a moment to lift your face up to a warm sun.

And this question "What is prayer?" came in very strongly this past few months.

It’s an interesting one to explore isn't it.

What is prayer?

Wanna wonder and wander with it?

You could do it Wonder Uprising style if you’d like! (meaning download the PDF and you can follow along with all the prompts to explore multiple ways of considering.)

AND we’ve now made the PDF’s of all the books FREE.

This body of engaging questions and prompts wanted to be tossed into the bowl of the world with no strings attached.

So click HERE if you’d like to download copies. (it still says buy and if you click on any of the PDF's the price is $0!)

Thank you to all who paid for these in the past.

You supported these seeds to grow.

AND. I’ve been praying a lot lately.

My partner had a big surgery for his cancer. 14.5 hours!! Phew.

(he's home now recovering, slowly.)

That was a day in a life!

And Casey came and sat with me at the hospital.

She brought her ukulele and we prayed through song and dance, yes, right there in the hospital waiting room!

Victoria came and we walked and talked, prayed. Sat in quiet togetherness prayer.

And Coreen, my friend working that day in the hospital, brought light to all the prayers. And laughter.

My daughter and son-in-law, his daughter and fiance, his brother, Sarah, Jim, all sat with us awhile. And to all the folks near and far who did their particular form of prayer. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Here is my one minute-ish” What is prayer” rant!

What is prayer?

Not one thing.

Or another.

A zillion ways to pray, my friend.

Let the narratives of smallness

of colonial capture of religious rules

of patriarchy

fly up into the vast sky

and become a rainbow of water tumbling.

Prayer– isn’t owned by anything.

Isn't only for people who stand in pulpits.

It doesn’t require a formal education.

Or any age or status or gender or…

It Is so MUCH more.

Dancing on dewy grass mornings is prayer.

Mourning doves greeting the dawn is prayer.

Butterfly kisses placed high on a beloved cheekbone is prayer.

Wind song through Black Cottonwoods is prayer.

The Ocean breeze on my face as its lifted to the sky is prayer.

Wrapping my arms around a Ponderosa Tree

and breathing in its caramel vanilla-y scent is prayer.

Singing at the top of my lungs in water aerobics

along with a few brave shivery souls is prayer.

Words. No words.

Pulpit or no.

Perhaps everything prayers.

It seems to be true that everything speaks.

Anytime I see/feel/sense/honor the sacredness of life, I am praying.

AND. Listening is devoted prayer.

Now your turn! One minute or so Rant---What is prayer?

Remember there is no one right answer the fun is in the stretching and wondering and wandering and seeing how that shapes you!

Carol Delmonico