Ending White Supremacy Accountability and Commitment Circles

We have a small platform at Wonder upRising. 

A sweet circle of support and we want to thank you all.


There is a lot going on in the world. 

It’s not new. 

It’s been going on here, in the U.S., for 400 years.  However, as jon a. powell, Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute says, there is a glimmer of hope because of the actions and statements being made by many people in positions of power.

Obviously I don’t have anything to add to the ongoing conversation. There are people more knowledgeable and much wiser about the topic of white supremacy than I am.

I don’t hold a giant position of power. As a white woman though, as we saw with Amy Cooper, I have power-over if I choose to use it. Yikes.

And that doesn’t mean I can’t be powerful in a life-giving way. I can add my small slice of the pie to yours. We can be powerful together.

What I do know is I need to wake up. And stay awake.

I need to act more often. Antiracist is a verb.

I need to risk something in order to effect a change that has been a long time coming. 

I need to devote time and energy and care.

I don’t want to fall back asleep, and honestly I worry that I will. 

And that you will too.

I’ve been in a social justice group for three years. I got disheartened this week when I recognized we’ve mostly been circling the wagon. We’ve met in small living rooms, sometimes with food, sharing our readings, crying and laughing together. Educating ourselves for sure. But not really taking very many concrete actions.  Not holding each other accountable to act. An antiracist is a person of action. 

And don’t get me wrong I think we do need to care and connect and educate ourselves. We do need to grow our interconnectivity. But not JUST that. 


It’s been easy for me to be lulled into inaction, and distraction, and comfort, as a white person.


I need my feet held to the fire. I need accountability.
As a coach I have found many humans do not do well without accountability, particularly if we aren’t being paid.
I need commitment to action.
I need others to support me.

Maybe you do too?

Would you like to start and accountability and commitment circle??

If so here is what I am offering:

A FREE small circle facilitation training for anyone who is interested in starting an

 Ending White Supremacy Accountability and Commitment Circle. 

 As Margaret Mead once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

I have been offering and facilitating small group processes for 20+ years. 

It’s a skill you can learn. This is not a power-over model. This is a power-with model. This is not you teaching. This is you offering a space for people to witness each other. To hold each other accountable through listening and seeing each other. To learn and grow together. To help each other stay awake.  And to stay present and attentive to ending white supremacy. 

At the facilitation training I will give you the basic tools, tips, and resources to begin a group. 


You will be the facilitator and you will also participate.

  • We’ll cover how, and who to invite.

  • Group guidelines, structures, and agreements.

  • How many people per group

  • If you need zoom what it costs and how to use it

  • How to create SMART goals 

  • Ideas for ways to begin and close meetings 

  • Collaborating

  • Things to troubleshoot.-absences, not following through, interrupting etc.

  • How often to meet? How long to ask for people to commit?

  • Potentials for how I can support you as you move forward.

The idea is to keep the circles simple and small.

The primary intentions of each of your meetings will be:

  1. For each participant to commit to an action or actions to take between meetings. Antiracism is action. Here is a list of 75 things you can do THIS is the most important!! To share what you did and what you plan to do with the group.

  2. To get educated. Unlearn and rewire your brain.To let the circle know what you are learning or unlearning. Sharing resources with each other.

  3. To shift your consciousness. To keep your center.To cultivate a deep sense of our interconnectivity. Sharing with the circle whatever practices you are doing regularly to evolve these parts of you.

Each of you can choose actions and practices that fit into a reasonable timeline for your lives. It’s not necessary to over commit. Your group may vary greatly in the choices they make and the time each of you have.

I want to be clear. Committing to this means you may need to let go of something else. I think we need to do that. We must.

And remember altruism is good for our health and well-being.

The intention of your circle is similar to a work meeting. You’ll be supported by being seen, being accountable to the group, and getting creative input and collaboration if needed. The work in between the meetings is the most important thing. Your circle of accountability and commitment is the ground of support.

You all will be scheduling time to do this work just like you would frame a work schedule.  SMART goals are key for many people to set yourself up for success.

We’ll talk about this. 

If I have peaked your interest and you are uncomfortable because you haven’t delved into this topic much. Never fear--I will give you a starting list of people, websites, podcasts and books you can offer to your group. And honestly starting with the list of The 75 things white people can do to end racismMy Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakem, Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad and some sort of mindfulness practice gives you enough to do for a long while. 

If there is a tiny part of you that is afraid. That’s okay. Risk it. You can do this. I’ll support you. You can gather another person, or two, or five and begin to be a part of the movement to create a world that works for all.

The first zoom training will be on Monday June 15th at 6 pm PST for 90 minutes.

To register simply fill out our contact form or email me directly cae.delmonico@gmail.com and I will put you on the list. Please put, sign me up for the training in the subject line!! If you have questions, email me. 

This training is limited to 20 people so sign up soon! 

If interest is high I will do another training and do some follow ups to support you as you move forward. 

If you have a friend or family member who might be interested in hosting a circle please feel free to pass this along to them.  

Thank you for reading and considering.

Step in!

In peace and hope for a world without racism,


If you don't hear back from me over the weekend. You will on Monday!!!

Carol Delmonico