We made it, what's next?
We made it to 2022, now what?!!!
Well, one topic that flitters to the front of my mind is relationships.
The past two years were challenging for them, for a whole host of reasons.
Rather than get into the why’s, which have been examined by many experts--- let’s take a walk into the water, feet first.
All toes in, and then wade a bit.
No belly flops, no deep dives just yet.
A skimming of the surface to become familiar.
Not comfortable exactly. Honestly a titch of discomfort. That’s okay, we are used to that by now, aren’t we?
Casey and I created relational intimacy guidebooks and now it’s time to dig in together.
We are not relationship experts.
These are questions and prompts that help each of us find our way!
Start the New Year out with intention and attention to a super important aspect of our lives. Relationships!!
We are going to wonder and wander our way through a question or two.
Who can resist wandering, once you get started, and it’s often more fun to dip in, together!
Join me in the free Playshop January 20th at noon PST, on Relationship-ing.
The questions:
How do you own your own part of a challenging situation?
How do you give and receive feedback?
You can download the FREE Mini PDF HERE
There are prompts that stretch us out of our conditioned answers, that ask us to wade a little, feel the mud or rocks under our feet and the water moving around us, our cells plumped up to listen and learn!
We’ll meet January 20th 12 pm PST for a quick hour!
RSVP For Class!
To Cultivating Wonder,
P.S. You do not have to be in a romantic partnership, relationships are the bread and butter in our lives. They come in all shapes.